Hypertension or high blood pressure is a medical condition in which blood pressure remains increased to the walls of vessels. The blood pressure ranges from 120 to 90. It is considered normal. However, exceeding 140/90 could result in complications, such as heart disease and stroke. The reason high blood pressure is hazardous is the fact that it is usually not accompanied by apparent signs. The condition can be treated with the help of exercise, medication, and a diet that is low in fat and sodium. Certain drinks and foods could assist in battling the condition and controlling blood pressure by complementing the treatment. A new study has shown that eating flavonoid-rich fruits like strawberries and blueberries can help those suffering from hypertension. The benefit of these substances is attributed to their vasodilatory effects.
This study appeared in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition entitled “Habitual Intake of flavonoid subclasses and incident hypertension in adults.” The researchers examined data from three studies from more than one lakh women and 23,043 males. Researchers examined how much flavonoids were consumed and their subclasses among participants based on their responses. They followed them for 14 years, and over this time, 29,018 cases of high blood pressure among women and 5,629 instances of hypertension in males were recorded. The study reported that “…participants of the highest percentile of intake of anthocyanin (predominantly from strawberries and blueberries) were able to enjoy an 8 percent lower risk of developing hypertension. …”
In the study, The researchers found that the most popular foods and beverages contributing to the daily intake of flavonoids were apple juice, tea, juice, and strawberries. The study report stated, “Flavan-3-ols were predominantly consumed from tea, whereas blueberries and strawberries were the main sources of anthocyanins, and citrus fruit was the main contributor to flavanone and flavone intakes.” The researchers concluded that, although the study confirms the notion that flavonoids may have anti-hypertensive effects and may help in preventing hypertension, further research should be carried out, and further investigation might be conducted to determine the optimal doses for anthocyanin-rich foods that can help prevent hypertension.